New employment and accident-free workplace ‘exceeds expectations’… Sel…
최고관리자 2016-06-20
The Incheon Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chairman Lee Kang-shin) announced on the 19th that it had selected winners in six categories at the 34th Commerce and Industry Awards, the highest honor for merchants in the Incheon region.

The Technology Development Category for the Commerce and Industry Awards went to Seongdon Jang, CEO of Korea Yokogawa Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd. He was highly evaluated for his efforts to reduce costs through factory automation technology and to hire new employees through business expansion.

In the productivity improvement category, Shim Gap-rok of Daeheung Machinery Forging Co., Ltd. was selected as the winner. He took the lead in improving the working environment and creating an industrial accident-free workplace, achieving the goal of 1,300 days without an accident.

Kim Bong-sook, CEO of Janghyung Enterprise Co., Ltd., who received the award in the labor-management cooperation category, established an employee-only cafe, operated resort memberships, supported college admission and high school tuition, implemented family days, traveled overseas with families of long-term employees, introduced a flexible work system for pregnant women, and introduced male employees. We are creating a win-win labor-management relationship, including the introduction of maternity leave.

In the social welfare category, Plant Manager Oh Soo-seok of GS Caltex Co., Ltd. Incheon Lubricant Plant, who played a leading role in forming an in-house volunteer group, was selected, and in the intellectual property management category, Yu Myeong-ho, CEO of Unilok Co., Ltd., who worked hard on intellectual property management, including patent applications, was selected. The environmental management category goes to SK Incheon Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

The Incheon Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold an awards ceremony at its 131st anniversary ceremony on the 29th.

[Kyungin Ilbo] Reporter Lim Seung-jae |  2016-06-20
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