- Instruments | Regulator | Back Pressure Regulator
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Connection : 1/4 Female NPT
Operating Temperature : -29°C(-20°F) ~ 66°C(150°F)
Sensitivity : 0.05psi
Regulated Back Pressure Ranges : 0~125psig as standard
Principle of Operation
Turning the hand wheel changes the force exerted by the range spring on the diaphragm assembly. In equilibrium, the force exerted by the range spring is balanced by the force from back pressure acting underneath the diaphragm assembly.
If the back pressure rises above the set pressure, the diaphragm seat is lifted allowing the nozzle plug to open.
The excess pressure flows through the exhaust port until the back pressure is reduced to the set point.
While the back pressure is at or below the set point, the range spring holds the nozzle plug against its seat, shutting off the flow to the exhaust port.
UNILOK Back Pressure Regulator is used to maintain a constant upstream pressure of gas, vapor, or liquid.
Designed for accurate regulation under low flow conditions, these units are widely used for the protection of analysis instrumentation or as a relief valve in supply pressure lines to control valves.